Railway Surveys

Ensure safe and efficient railways with precise surveys for construction, maintenance, and repairs.

Reliable railway surveys to keep rail networks safe and operational.

Railways keep Australia connected, and they power major industries such as mining, energy production and transport. 

If you need support to build or maintain rail structures, Sunrise Surveying provides railway surveys that can improve the outcome of any project.

We offer railway surveying in  Brisbane, Rockhampton, Yeppoon, Toowoomba,  and the Sunshine Coast. We can tailor a surveying suite to suit your needs, with our primary services including:

Benefits Of Our Railway Surveying

Surveying equipment from Railway Survey Services faces tracks and a bridge flanked by trees.

What We Do

Cadastral and detail surveys
If you are planning a new railway or works on an existing site, our cadastral and detail surveys provide the data you need. Our surveys support project planning, land acquisition, easements, leases and more.
Control networks are crucial to the monitoring and maintenance of railways. We provide control network establishment that allows you to collect accurate data over time, building a complete picture of deformation in railways.
We provide end-to-end support for the construction of new railways and railway sections. Sunrise Surveying can support you from initial planning through to site set-out, volumetric surveys, engineering surveys, construction verification and beyond.
Our team supports rail renewal projects of every size. We can capture data about deformation, lift and slew, cant, and changes in gauge. This information is used to plan and execute works and restore railways to functional condition.
Railways are subject to hard use and are prone to deformation over time. We perform comprehensive monitoring and asset inspection surveys that can identify deformation, damage and maintenance items.
Sunrise Surveying uses LiDAR sensors to create 3D models of terrain, structures, railways, rail bridges and more. These 3D models allow us to deliver powerful insights in project planning and asset inspections, ensuring your infrastructure is kept in top condition.
We provide as-constructed and ADAC surveys to verify that completed railways meet engineering and regulatory standards. Our ADAC data can also support further project planning and serves as a baseline for future maintenance works.

Detailed Land and Rail Surveys

The team at Sunrise Surveying provides accurate, tailored survey data for all railway projects, supporting construction, maintenance, monitoring, and renewals. Our advanced techniques deliver insights that help you achieve project outcomes on time and within budget. 

We support civil and private clients in mining, transport, infrastructure, and government sectors with precise data for better decision-making.

Railway Survey Services: maintenance machine and surveying equipment at night.

Surveys for Rail Bridges & Other Structures

In addition to standard rail surveys, we specialise in surveying rail bridges and related structures.

Our team works closely with project managers on the construction, monitoring, and maintenance of bridges to ensure safe operating conditions. Using drones equipped with LiDAR sensors, we create 3D models that easily identify movement, damage, or deformation.

Our advanced railway surveying techniques deliver accurate, repeatable data, helping reduce time and costs while improving project outcomes.

bridge surveying

Contact us for a free consultation and let’s discuss your project.